I/W/W/B Blog #2

     The internet is a network of devices around the world that are all connected. The internet can be used to access a wealth of information from many different places on Earth. Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf created the internet in 1969, originally used to communicate between two locations. Now, the internet is used to communicate with many devices across the globe.

    Sir Tim Berners-Lee created the World Wide Web in 1990, and it was accessible to the public in 1991. WWW was originally just used to manage information within the company CERN, although when it went public, it became a tool accessible to any person. It is now used today for anyone on Earth to access information and create websites.

    WWW and the Internet are two separate things that work side-by-side. The Internet is a network which connects devices, and the WWW is a tool on the Internet to make information easily accessible and unified.

    The first website ever created is info.cern.ch. 

    Hedy Lamarr ended up creating a way of utilizing radio frequencies that led to the invention of technology like WiFi and Bluetooth. Johnny Depp created a song titled This is a Song for Miss Hedy Lamarr, in which he related his own experiences in his life to hers.

    Jaap Haartsen invented Bluetooth in the 1990s in order to connect mobile devices in short proximity to each other. Jim Kardach named Bluetooth as a temporary placeholder until it was released to the public, although the name stuck and it was never changed. The name Bluetooth comes from King Harrald Bluetooth, who united the Scandivanian kingdoms. The idea was that Bluetooth would be able to unite technology. The Bluetooth logo is a combination of two old runes which make up the initials of King Harrald.

    Vic Hayes and Dr. John O'Sullivan both built on Lamarr's concept and invented what is known in the modern day as WiFi in 1997. WiFi does not stand for anything, and was coined by a marketing firm to sound similar to Hi-Fi (standing for High Fidelity).












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